
The Church-in-the-Gardens is self-governing through three main entities: The Board of Deacons, The Board of Trustees and the Board of Christian Education. All church members are invited to participate in a committee and share their gifts. We uphold the value of each person’s contribution. In keeping with our congregational roots, when there is diversity we see this as an indication to try new things. While we seek to respect traditions, we also seek to grow with change.

Each Spring a Nominating Committee campaigns for church members to volunteer on one of the boards. The committee evaluates each board’s needs and contact potential successors to board members whose terms of office have expired. Candidates are then voted in during the Church-in-the-Gardens Annual Corporate Meeting held in May.

Deacons likewise must be persons of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. They must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things.
1 Timothy 3: 8-13

The word “deacon” means servant, or one who serves. At The Church-in-the-Gardens our deacons are just that. Each member of our 12-member Deaconate is entrusted with the care of our church. Not only do they provide Holy Communion to our congregants during our monthly Communion Sunday, Deacons also assist the Pastor with the spiritual welfare of our church and cooperate in the ministering of the spiritual interests of both our church and community. Each Deacon holds a three-year term.

We demonstrate that Christianity is not a vocation or piece of wardrobe we wear only during church services. Our role as a deacon is to live by example the essence of spiritual growth on our congregational church.

To effectively carry out a broad range of responsibilities, our Board of Deacons is made up of the following various subcommittees:

Worship and Music Committee
The group plans and coordinates the worship program of the church, recommends and helps evaluate our music staff, sets guidelines for music selection and reviews the order of worship.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee coordinates new member classes, which include scheduling teachers, organizing faith sharing and hosting follow-up fellowship sessions.

Care Committee
This group is the heart of the Deacon’s role. Its primary purpose is helping church and community members in need of spiritual, physical and financial assistance. We make ourselves available to encourage Christian spiritual well-being. We visit shut-ins for fellowship and to administer the Holy Communion Sacrament. Each communion Sunday, we collect a special offering for the Deacon’s Fund for those in need of emergency funding.

Board of Trustees
Whatever your task, work heartily as serving the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24

Board of Trustees represents the broad diversity of the Church-in-the-Gardens. Each of its twelve members is deemed with the care, custody and property of the church. A term lasts three years. Being also charged with the church’s financial well-being, the board prepares, revises, and keeps current an estimate of our churches income and expenses.
The Board is made up of subcommittees, liaisons to other church groups, a Church Clerk, the Church’s Treasurer and two Chairmen who alternate responsibilities

The Board approves appropriate expenditures through several subcommittees.
These include:

  • Personnel
  • Representatives to The Community House Board of Governors

In addition one Trustee is assigned as liaison between the church and the following church entities:

  • The Nursery School
  • House and Grounds
  • Nominating Committee
  • Insurance
  • Facilities
  • Wider Church
  • Library & Archives
  • World Service

Church’s Treasurer
This ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees receives and accounts for all money matters within our church. Basic responsibilities include making deposits and paying bills on behalf of the church, keeping accurate records of all receipts and disbursements related to the administration of the Church-in-the-Gardens and maintaining the church’s legal documentation. Naturally all tasks are done upon Board of Trustees consent.


Church Clerk

This ex-officio Board of Trustees member is elected to the position of Church Clerk during the Church’s Annual Meeting and serves for one year. Otherwise known as the Church’s Corporate Secretary, responsibilities are maintaining various church records for
Church Meetings
Church Members which include addresses and dates of membership reception and removal and letters of transfer of church membership
Baptisms and Marriages
Communications and written official reports
Additional responsibilities include:
Notify all persons elected to offices and committees
Give legal notices of all meetings when such notices are necessary
In summary: the Board of Trustees is entrusted with the daunting task of managing our churches financial affairs while preserving its ideals of openness, diversity and integrity that are the Church-in-the-Gardens enduring heritage.


Board of Christian Education
All thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children
Isaiah 54:13


Otherwise known as BOCE ("Boh-SEE") this group administers a variety of educational programs for our church. Its main responsibility is coordinating our Sunday School program by choosing curriculum and seeking volunteers to teach.

Other Christian educational activities include various Adult Bible Studies programs that take place throughout the year and sponsoring our church’s Youth Group, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venture Scouts.

Church Council
The Church Council is composed of the Church Pastor, the Church Clerk and the Church Treasurer, in addition to a host of chairpersons serving on the Church-in-the-Gardens Boards:

  • Board of Deacons
  • Board of Trustees
  • Board of Christian Education
  • Other members include those serving as chairpersons on:
    • World Service Committee
    • Communications Coordinator
    • House and Grounds Committee
    • Library and Records Committee
    • Youth Fellowship or other church youth organizations
    • Women’s Guild

They meet every month to update each other on all group activities and pending topics.

Library & Archive Committee
Our church’s Library and Archives Committee maintains both the Heuston Library’s book collections and the church’s historic documentation in the Archive Room. The group meets about once a month to discuss library administration and archive preservation.

The Heuston Library
This one-room self serve library is located on the 2nd floor in the parish house next to the church’s office. It is named after a past member. 


If you wish to join the committee, have a special request, suggestion or can’t locate something, please leave a note with contact information in the church office L&A mailbox.

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