Fighting Food Insecurity: How Can You Help
Sunday, September 17, 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
The World Service Committee welcomes your support for its 9/17 community-wide event on fighting food insecurity in our neighborhoods.The goals of the event are to be a Call to Action for everyone to recognize the extent and consequences of food insecurity in our communities and to facilitate our ability to make a difference. The event will provide a forum tor attendees to
- learn about the problem and current efforts to fight it from a panel of organizations actively engaged in the fight,
- explore, with other attendees, opportunities for contributing their "gifts" (their talents, skills, experiences, contacts, resources) to the fight, and
- receive extensive information on the numerous organizations that welcome volunteer and financial support for their efforts.
Events like this make a clear statement about who we are as a congregation. Let the World Service Committee know you share their commitment by joining them on September 17 (1:30 to 3:30pm in the Community House gymnasium) and offering to help in publicizing the event and helping out where you may be needed.