March 31, 2025
Cub Scouts More info ►
Every Monday, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
One of the ways the Church-In-The-Gardens encourages community involvement and diversity is sponsoring our non-denominational scout programs for over 75 years. Pack 96 is one of the oldest and most active Packs in Queens.
Cub Scouts
Boys and girls in Grades Kindergarten through 5 are eligible to join in this fun and active program. We offer a wide range of Scouting activities.
Included in our program’s activities are age appropriate arts and crafts, scout skills training, overnight camping, climbing wall and archery and much more.
The cubs also get to participate in traditional Cub competitions such as the Rain Gutter Regatta and Pine Wood Derby, and an annual ski trip to Catamount, NY, where they’re invited to sleep overnight in a Firehouse!
The Church generously gives us time every month at Hof Hall, the gym in the Community House, where a variety of organized games, sports demonstrations, Halloween Party, and April Fool's Day Joke-A-Thons take place.
Service Projects
An important part of Scouting is service to the community. Besides joining the Troop in projects such as Forest Park and Jamaica Bay Clean-ups, we work with our local police precinct and organize a coat drive, serve as Color Guards for community activities, and plant flowers along the church sidewalks.
Parent Involvement
Working with their parents and adult volunteers, our Cubs can achieve the Arrow of Light, after completing their Bobcat, Wolf and Bear Ranks. The Arrow of Light is the highest ranked achievement among the Cubs.
Parents are necessary to the proper functioning of the Pack. Besides acting as “Akela”, the Cub’s guide through advancement, parents will enjoy helping their child with the various activities at our weekly meetings.
Meetings & Uniforms
We meet almost every Monday night from September through June, with meetings starting at 6 PM and ending at 7 PM. We encourage Parents to get their sons and daughters into the habit of wearing their uniforms to every meeting. Uniforms consist of a hat, neckerchief, neckerchief slide, and Scout Shirt. Gym nights do not require uniforms. Each Cub should bring his Handbook to every meeting and trips to record his Achievements.
Our registration fee is $180 for the entire year, which includes the Handbook, all awards earned during the Scouting year, all materials for our projects and games, and the famous Pack 96 Year-End Barbecue. Certain activities have additional costs.
Cub Scout Information
CubScouts – Kevin Maddox, Cubmaster, Maddox.Kevin@gmail.
World Service Committee meeting via Zoom More info ►
Monday, March 31, 2025, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM